Debt Avalanche Method

Debt avalanche prioritizes the highest APR loans

Does paying high-interest rates keep you up at night? If you’re in over your head in debt, but can’t seem to get out of it, the debt avalanche may be the answer. This aggressive, yet incredibly successful program prioritizes your debts, helping you get out of what some people call ‘toxic debt.’  If you’re looking […]

The Three Reasons People Don’t Want to Budget

Debt Payoff Planner – The Three Reasons People Don't Want to Budget

Back when I was healing my own relationship with money, I encountered all sorts of resistance from others any time I mentioned budgeting. “Eh, I have enough money, I don’t need to track it.” Or on the other side: “I don’t have enough money to budget.” “Budgeting cramps my style,” or the reverse, “budgeting makes […]