The Five Things That Make Debt Bad Or Good

Have you heard the terms “bad debt” and “good debt”? Take a moment before you read on, and answer this question for yourself. What are the things that make debt “bad?” And what are the things that make debt “good?” I’ve always hated the terms “bad debt” and “good debt” for a couple of reasons. […]
The Three Reasons People Don’t Want to Budget

Back when I was healing my own relationship with money, I encountered all sorts of resistance from others any time I mentioned budgeting. “Eh, I have enough money, I don’t need to track it.” Or on the other side: “I don’t have enough money to budget.” “Budgeting cramps my style,” or the reverse, “budgeting makes […]
Pick One Thing and Work On It
I’ve worked with clients for a while now, and one thing I see over and over again is overwhelm. Our lives are so complicated, juggling family, work, leisure time (if we’re lucky!) a second job or business, kids, unreasonable customers… I don’t need to tell you this, you already know it. And the more we […]
Is Financial Independence Your Goal?
Financial Independence. Retire Early. If you’ve spent any time researching personal finance, you may have come across these terms, or the combined term – FIRE. When you first see them, they may seem far-fetched, or even completely unachievable. But today is Independence Day here in the United States, so let’s take a closer look and […]
The Origins of the Word “Mortgage”
I ran across a little piece of information recently that stopped me in my tracks. Did you know that the word mortgage translates to death contract (or pledge) in French? Wow! If you are anything like me, that provokes a strong emotional reaction. To me, debts are a powerful tool, like a sharp knife. It can be used […]
Are You Afraid To Look At Your Debt?
In my last post I wrote a bit about changing our perceptions about the inevitability of debt, but today I want to talk about a common problem people have with debt: Fear of looking at your debt. When you can’t look at your debt, it is impossible to do anything about your debt! So let’s […]
The Bank Of Mom And The Bank Of Dad
As I have been working with the great people at Debt Payoff Planner, we have been having fun looking through data. One thing they pointed out to me was some interesting statistics relating to family loans. Often these loans are from a parent, which isn’t surprising, but something that did surprise me is some of […]
Is Debt A Universal Constant?
“I’ll be in debt until I die.” “Everyone is in debt.” “I’ll always have a car loan. I can’t afford to buy a car with cash!” Debt is a universal constant, never to be escaped and never to be changed, like Death and Taxes, right? Over the years, I’ve noticed that there seems to be […]